What a lovely year it has been! Here in the UK we don't have a 'Thanksgiving day' which I think is a real shame, as it seems to me that it is a great way to head into the holidays and acknowledge all we have to be thankful for!
I've had a wonderful year attempting to create some lovely things (some successful and some less so, but all part of the fun!). UFO's at the moment are:
(1) the Peony Dress! I had hoped to have this finished, but have had lots of fit issues which I am trying to work through. Here is a pic of the bodice (second time around, I scrapped the first one!):
The fit is now much better - The under bust darts have both been moved outwards by an inch (!) and the side bust dart raised (thanks to LLadybird for the great tips!). I've also had to bring the neckline in an inch as well to stop the bodice falling off my shoulders. The skirt is nearly made up so I'm hoping that now I've finished work for the holidays (yes!) I'll have some time to complete this project very soon.
The Built by Wendy jacket is going much slower, probably because I'm not sure what I'm doing he he..., here it is so far!
New Year's resolution may have to be to devote some slow time to learning more about jacket construction and getting this finished, as I love the colours of the fabric and I think that the fit is looking good...
Sewing seems to be something I only enjoy doing in the day time when the light is better...I'm lucky to have a small room (a tad bigger than a broom cupboard, but still!) that I can keep as a sewing room cum store room... but I do feel anti-social leaving hubby sat in the lounge in the evenings and hiding away sewing ... so I think that this is where I've picked up knitting needles to try and create something knitted that I can have in my hands whilst chatting and with the TV on. Confession time: I have knitted before (although no expert!!!) I did learn when the kids were smaller and I didn't work full time! Why I ever stopped I do not know, but I can tell you I am loving picking it up again! The only down (UP?) side is that my two girls have a constant stream of requests! The latest is for my younger daughter who is going on a school trip to Austria in February which comes just after her birthday and she desperately wanted a long aran cardigan - so here is progress so far:

The pattern...
left and right sides (they are the same length, honest! it's my rubbish photography (well it is 7.30 a.m.!)
The back so far! can you see all my working out? There are two patterns, one a four row repeat with two panels of 28 row repeat, so I like to have it written down - if I get interrupted (usually lots!) I can easily pick up again where I left off. After the back there are just the two sleeves to do and finishing off. I'm particularly pleased with the pockets on the front as its the first time I've attempted these! I think I like working to a deadline (2nd Feb!) as it keeps me focused to finish in time.
Progress on my 20's cardigan is somewhat slower, but as this is more a summer knit, I've plenty of time before I would think of wearing it:
The back is nearly complete (it is knit in one piece) ... I hope to get this finished for summer so that I can wear with a cream vest under...I think it would be great with some 40's style trousers and I'm very much coveting Rosy's 40's style trousers which I think are fantastic ... target for 2012?!
I hope everyone has a fantastic (and not too frantic!) holiday season, I've so enjoyed reading the many blogs out there, which inspired me to keep a record myself, I can't think of a better hobby than sewing and knitting!!!
One last confession though...I am trying to fit something else in - for a long time my jogging shoes lay dormant in the cupboard... but inspired by wanting to be a bit healthier and fitter (and look better in the creations I'm making!) they have been dusted off and for the last week I have been trying to go out every other day for gentle jog - and I love it! Not so much the rain and the wind (which here in the north of England we have had plenty of just lately) but the wonderful glowing feeling afterwards of achieving a goal!
Here's to 2012!